Erdélyi Szövetség

"Széles körben ismertetnünk kell a félrevezetett világgal a valóságos magyar múltat, s az igazság feltárása által vissza kell szerezzük szétszakított népünk önrendelkezési jogát" (Wass A)


 The Autonomy of Szeklerland

It is clearly unreasonable to expect that you know the detailed history of other countries, especially when they pertain to periods before you were born. Hence, let me enlighten you, in a few words, about the history of the Szeklers.

The Szeklers are a branch of the Magyar nation, who have lived, since at least 895 AD, in the same country with Hungarians and thus are an integral part of that nation. Subsequent to WWI, Hungary was dismembered and 4 million Magyars suddenly found themselves in minority status under a reign of terror, at the mercy of new governments. Romania received from Hungary – without a national plebiscite – the territory of Transylvania, where Szeklers have lived for more than eleven centuries. To no avail have Hungarian governments pleaded for revisions to the peace edict of Trianon (Peace Treaty of Paris, 1919), it was only in 1940 that the northeastern portion of Transylvania, with parts of Szeklerland, was reunited with Hungary under the aegis of the German and Italian governments. Their arbitration was requested by the Romanian government. After WWII, the territory was handed back to Romanian administration through the good graces of the Soviet government.

Around 1945, about 45% of the population of Transylvania was composed of Magyars and Germans. Then forcible and brutal assimilation, Romanianization, was begun, using every possible means. Germans and Jews were exchanged to and resettled in – after a ransom – Germany and Israel. The Magyars were oppressed at every opportunity, encouraged to emigrate, jailed or dispersed to other parts of Romania. Religious and cultural organizations were suppressed, their buildings and other assets confiscated. The cultural mementos, birth and marriage registries, documents and official archives of religious groups were confiscated – taken away for ‘safekeeping.’ Its university became Romanian-language, most Hungarian-language schools were closed.

The population of Szeklers, who only a few decades ago numbered over one million, living in a contiguous block, has, by today, shrunk below a million, in spite of a favorable birthrate. Today, in Transylvania and other Hungarian populated areas, systematic ethnic cleansing is being carried out, by overt or covert means – all under the noses of the UN and EU.

In a threatened position, the Szeklers tossed to Romania and the ancient Hungarian-populated borderlands (the Partium) now are energetically pursuing regional autonomy, demanding territorial self-government. They are cognizant of the fact that they are unable to separate from Romania – Szeklerland lies in the center of the country – but their firm resolve is to gain their autonomy through, for the moment, peaceful means.

There are numerous examples for this in Europe: the Basques, the South Tyroleans, the Swedes of Finland, the Germans of Belgium, the Scots and the Welsh. Why are the Hungarians of Slovakia, Sub-Carpathia, Romania and Serbia unable to secure regional self-government?

After reading these few lines, you can more easily understand the declaration that follows. If you wish to learn more about the Hungarian-Romanian circumstances, please look up our website:

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